1 Chronicles 23:24-29 lays out the day and the life of the sons of Levi. Verse 30 tells us that their day should ….“start with thanksgiving and praise”… and it should “end with thanksgiving and praise”. Because of the word ALSO …. this was not an option…..this was a command of God. This command, …. was “in addition to” all their other duties.
You all know the phrase “A day in the life of” … may refer to some famous actor, or prominent person that seems to have left something memorable on your brain. For example, … A day in the life of Will Smith, President Obama, or Master Chef’s Gordan Ramsey. The objective here …..is to reveal the activities ……of the life of a specific person …. for a period of time. ……Keep in mind, the “day”, could represent 24 hours, a week, or a month. …… Nonetheless, our time is not God’s time, so we must consider making every minute count.
So, I ask you…If you were standing before God….. and He hit the ‘Replay button’ on your life …. Just for yesterday ……….. what would it show???